A collage with many beautiful scenes from very picturesque places I have visited

European Destinations on Alonga Travel by Countries

I haven’t covered all destinations I’ve visited yet by far

My extensive travels of 20 years resulted in accumulation a great wealth of memories, pictures, videos, and personal notes written before and during the trips!


I add many pictures and videos

I’m a visual person, and pictures and videos are very important to me. I treat you as I love to be treated myself to have the best impression of a destination. And adding all those media to posts takes a long time to prepare.

Also, I video and picture record EVERYTHING I see during my travel explorations. It’s great for showing you the destinations, but it’s a full-time job to keep track of where what is (besides having to buy tons of storage space, both local and cloud space, perhaps you can help me with that ;)?)

That is why I’m slower covering the destinations I have visited, loved and have a lot to say about, than I would like to be.

Thank you for visiting and come back soon to check out my new coverage!

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