Why I don’t have as many destinations as I have visited covered yet
I do not (yet) have as many posts on Alonga Travel about European destinations I have visited as I would like to have. Here is why…
Hi, I’m Tatiana. I do 3 hours of exploratory city walks every day in a new city or country to find places with fun architecture, beautiful old buildings, lovely vibe & pretty scenes. I find the best destinations to visit in Europe and beyond & I record everything.
So, maybe you’ve noticed that I haven’t covered as many destinations in European countries as many other websites had. There are a few reasons for that.
It is not because I am new to traveling and exploring places. In fact, I have been traveling extensively for 20 years now and I have accumulated a great wealth of memories, pictures, videos, extensive search notes before traveling, and personal notes written during the trips! Read more about Alonga Travel and about my story in other posts.
Here are some examples of what I cover on this blog.
Because I was traveling full time the last 3 years, and I record everything, I probably have more travel reviews and opinions than the majority of the bloggers out there. But, with so much material to cover, it takes longer than I would like to post about it.
I started blogging 4 years ago. The first year of that was definitely a learning curve! 🙂 I have learned so much after that!
The thing about covering destinations and other topics the thorough way I like is the most time-consuming part of blogging is not writing about things. That part is quick and easy.

One also needs to do a lot of research to make sure the things one talks about are current. I, personally, like to double (or triple) check the information I write about.
So, blogging this way takes up a lot of time, but this is the only way I feel comfortable blogging. I do not want to serve wrong or very dated information.
In addition, I put a great value on visuals, both pictures and videos. I video and picture record EVERYTHING I see during my travel explorations.
I just want to have the ability to refresh my memory of the places I’ve visited here and there.

Vast library of my visuals
As the result of all mentioned above, I have such a vast library of the visual media that it’s becoming a full-time job to keep track of where what is (besides having to buy tons of storage space, both local and cloud space).
And I try to add as much of that visual media to my blog posts as my site speed allows. And that takes a long time to prepare.
So, there are some reasons why I still don’t have that many posts written and posted.

But these 2 last years of extensive blogging practice are starting to pay off. I am finally becoming much faster in both researching, writing, preparing my media, and editing my website.
So, I am on an accelerated schedule of posting lately, and I am planning to cover many more destinations I’ve visited and enjoyed, because I want to share all my knowledge!
It would please me to know my knowledge could help someone else! Maybe you?
Let’s connect on social media, and maybe you can tell me about some wonderful destinations you have visited?
Let’s connect on social media!
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