Places To Stay on Vacation and how to choose a hotel

places to stay on vacation
places to stay on vacation

So, if you're following my vacation planning advice step by step, by now you already have chosen your city to go to and bought a ticket to get there. Now you need to think about accommodations for yourself. Let's see what accommodations are out there.

Places to stay on vacation: what accommodations are out there?

Where to stay on your vacation depends on what accommodations you prefer.

If you are searching for a luxury accommodation, I will update my page with recommendations later. Please come back soon!

And if you are trying to book something within a budget, what do you like the best? The center of the city, the outskirts?

For me - it is better to stay right in the center of the city in a smaller room, than in a larger, but on the outskirts. I like to be right in the middle of everything and feel safe! I don’t want to drive/taxi/Uber/bus back to my place.  There is nothing like stepping outside of my hotel and getting right into the bustling city life. 

But maybe you want some quiet time, then go for the outskirts and some place in a country. When I tried that type of accommodations, I would inevitably feel lonely. So I stopped staying in quiet places, no matter how pretty they were. Unless you have a romantic partner with you, staying in the country could make you feel lonely.  Though, maybe you enjoy that kind of place? Decide for yourself!

I usually book my accommodations through booking or Hotelscombined.

You can find all kinds of places to stay there:

Resorts, villas, hotels, home stays, B&Bs, farm stays and even monasteries stay! You can also book hostels there. 

HotelsCombined will let you have your 10th stay for free after 9 paid days of accommodations. 

Just beware that if you’re booking for a private room from an independent host, or an apartment, you will pay cleaning fees in addition to the listed price, even if you only stay for one night. You will also often have to arrange for getting your key. might not always have the lowest prices, but they have the best customer service.

Booking  sites like Agoda might have lower prices, but it's only good if you are planning to keep the reservation for sure.  Because you will never be able to get a reply from their customer service and you won't be able to reach them over the phone. You will loose your money, if something went wrong and you need a refund, even if it was a refundable reservation!

Also make sure you have enough money for the reservation on your account/card, as they will most likely charge you right away, even though the deal was you would pay on a certain day, or at the hotel. Good luck reaching them then! :( 

Hello, I’m Tatiana. I’m hopelessly in love with old uniquely looking buildings, and cozy urban scenes, and finding best places in Europe to go.

Check out my travel tips and reviews of the best European destinations, the results of over 20 years of travel experience. Let's connect on social media!

Social Accommodations and new Good quality hostels for emotional comfort

What I have done lately and what works the best for me might sound strange to you just yet, but I hope to convince you! After at least a decade of staying in private rooms in hotels, I've switched to staying in social accommodations a lot. I never feel lonely anymore and I always make new friends and people to go to check out concerts, hikes, music bars, whatever else.

So yes, I often chose fine hostels for emotional comfort nowadays even when the price of booking my own room in a hotel is about the same and I only book a bed in a female room with a curtain over the bed, if I stay in some fine hostel.

Below are the images from the hostels I stayed at.  I was happy there and made great friends!  You can also watch the video about one of hostels I loved, below.

Hostels are fun places for Travelers of all ages and incomes nowadays.

Life is changing, and the times when only students and backpackers were staying in hostels are over. It is not unusual to find single professionals of all ages and incomes in a quality hostel. In fact - it's becoming more and more normal.

And why not? There are many new and very comfortable hostels where you will get either a full pod or semi-pod bed arrangement, with curtains over your bunk bed and your own light, power outlet, and shelf. You will get your own locker in any hostel. There are usually a few common rooms you can use for your computer work and a large breakfast/dining room with nightly diners, free drinks, and social events. 

You will find friends to go to explore the city at night, right in your hostel room. How awesome is that!:) I have made a few friends, hopefully for life this way. You already have a common and a very important to you both interest - travel! That's a HUGE connection right there!:) 

Also, you can use a kitchen to prepare your own meals. This is especially important for people on a special diet. This solves the problem for people who don't travel because of that! And obviously, this saves a LOT of money, as eating out while traveling can cost more than the entire trip's expenses!

And if you don't want to waste time on cooking while on vacation, then you can buy food from the deli or prepackaged items from a supermarket, like boxed salads or something delicious from the local food stalls.  You can store it in a fridge in a bag with your name on it. 

You can find all these good quality hostels in many large European cities. Smaller cities are catching the trend as well, and new hostels pop up everywhere.  They are usually right in the center.

You need to research the reviews of the hostels, though, and only go for the best. Not all hostels are great, some of them pretty bad, judging by the reviews. And almost all of them are not too great in the US, compared to the ones in Europe. 

I choose female only rooms. Keeps things much more comfortable.  Some hostels have an entire floor as females only.

Also, don't think that hostels are for extraverted people only. It is easy to be left alone in a hostel, if you feel introverted. You can choose to be invisible and will have your privacy. But the presence of people around you when you are all alone in a strange country will comfort you! I was very surprised to discover how much it comforts me!

Isn’t it odd? You will be around people, but they won’t pay any attention to you if you give out signals you want to be left alone. Or you can find friends to do things with, if you change your mind. Just make sure you have a good sleep mask and comfortable earplugs to make your own sleeping schedule and your stay will be very comfortable!

If you are still hesitant, may I suggest renting your own room in a good hostel to try out the atmosphere and see if you like it? 

You can always book a room in a hotel, but it will be more expensive and, most importantly - lonelier.

Watch the video (above) from a nightly dinner at one of the hostels I stayed.   You can see that there are people of all ages connecting, eating and having fun.    

This experience really warms up your heart, if you are a solo traveler.   After that dinner a lot of people go together for a pub  crawl. I am still friends with people I find in hostels like that, with whom I did some activities. 

Now, why am I trying to convince you? :) Really no reasons at all, but my travel enjoyment got even  higher after I had discovered hostels and I hope I can help you with the same! 

Your travel experience will be even better, if you have managed to buy a cheap air ticket and you have found a nice travel destination, as I have explained in my other posts. And here are some nice destination to choose from.

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