How I caught The Travel bug

My Story 

My travel story started rather ordinary and typically over 20 years ago. Each time I went somewhere new, I returned with a desire to go somewhere again. Do you know this feeling?:)

This desire was manageable for a while, and I gave the normal life with a regular job a try, because that’s what you are supposed to do, right?

But something inside of me just couldn't shake the desire to see the world and explore. No matter how hard I tried, I never felt fulfilled by my normal lifestyle and the urge to travel only grew stronger.

Alonga Travel the author smiles behind her laptop in her mobile rooftop office in Portugal over
Alonga Travel the author smiles behind her laptop in her mobile rooftop office in Portugal over

Hi, I am Tatiana—currently a digital nomad traveling around Europe and beyond. Do you like my rooftop mobile office in front of a beautiful church and a storks' nest?

It was a cheap accommodation with incredibly fun experience in Olhao, Portugal.  These kind of unusual and affordable experiences is something I became a pro in.  

Alonga Travel the author smiles and offers to connect on social media
Alonga Travel the author smiles and offers to connect on social media

Making a change

Eventually, I decided to make a big change to my life.  I stopped buying needless possessions, got my passport updated, and started investing in travel gear and plane tickets to Europe. By that time I've already explored all the best spots in the US and I needed to see new places.

With time, I became a serious expert on finding affordable flights and discovering incredible places to visit

I've learnt how to choose the best travel destination for me, because I discovered that not all great destinations are great for us! For example, if you are traveling solo and going to stay at some remote beach destination, you might start feeling lonely! While solo stay in a large city is usually great for me!

You know the '10,000-hour rule' about becoming an expert? I spent more than 10,000 hours planning trips, and became the 'official" expert!

stop wasting money and start buying travel gear
stop wasting money and start buying travel gear

The next step was figuring out how to find time to travel. 

Becoming self-employed allowed me to frequently visit Europe from the US, thanks to the affordable round-trip deals I discovered, that were less expensive than domestic flights between American cities.

I also learned a lot from my previous travel mistakes.

For example, my very first international trip found me dragging two suitcases, as all the stuff I was sure I needed on that trip was not fitting in just one. Midway through the trip, I asked myself if I was enjoying carrying around suitcases full of outfits and shoes I would never have time to wear. I suspect you know the answer to that question. ;)

How I figured out how to find time to travel internationally

So, I started working on becoming an expert in packing light and smart.  The years of playing Tetris growing up paid off; if there is a tiny space in my suitcase, I know how to use it wisely now!:) 

I also began working on reducing the amount of stuff I was taking with me, while still bringing everything I will need.

I put on my expert consumer hat and figured out how to pack like a pro.

I  experimented, until I found the best tiny containers and the best packing cubes, suitcases, and backpacks for different trips.

I also figured out which items I need for a comfortable flight and many other things I will share with you.

I have wasted a lot of money buying the wrong items until I found the best ones, and I want to help you avoid these mistakes.

Figuring out how to pack light

comparison of compression cubes and travel packing cubes without compression
comparison of compression cubes and travel packing cubes without compression

The pandemic restrictions on travel were not easy for me. I missed my beloved Europe so much, but since I was in the US, I had to wait.

I was very happy to be able to go on a couple of brief trips within the US, and that scratched the itch a bit. And when the time came for me to finally be able to fly to Europe back in 2021, I went to Spain right away and had another amazing trip. Masks were still mandatory back then in Spain.

I was SO happy traveling and missed Europe so much upon my return that I have finally made the decision to become fully nomadic for my sanity.

Some people see professional care specialists for their mental sadness. I knew my sadness would be cured once I had the ability to explore new places and see pretty old houses every day. I knew I would become very happy instead!

And since there are no old houses on the West coast of the US, it was time for me to go on an indefinite road trip to Europe to explore every corner and every back street.

Oh boy, was I right about becoming very happy again once I got the chance to be traveling and exploring all the time! That was the best thing I did for myself. I understand that people are different, and some people actually enjoy sameness. It's comforting for them!

But I was simply born for exploring and documenting my explorations and embracing new cultures and traditions. It's fun for me!

And since I am nomadic and can be anywhere now, why not spend the cold winter months in Asia and other warm continents to warm up, explore new territories, and enjoy the low cost of living there? 

Deciding to go nomadic

Alonga travel the author
Alonga travel the author

Here is a pic from my first after the travel restrictions to Europe were lifted trip to Mallorca, Spain. I was ecstatic and alive again. That was the time I knew I have to become nomadic and spend as much time in Europe as my visa allows me.

Alonga travel author working on a computer on a rooftop terrace in Portugal with a great view.
Alonga travel author working on a computer on a rooftop terrace in Portugal with a great view.

Nowadays, I can be found hopping all over the world full-time, exploring, recording what I see, and looking for ways to make a living out of my adventures.

I also do lots of blogging, even though I still haven't covered a lot of wonderful destinations I've visited but haven't had a chance to cover yet

It's a very unconventional life, but it's the only one that calls to me and keeps me oh so excited!

And let me tell you about the creative juices my exciting life is producing. It's not just a stream, but a strong, never-ending river of creativity lately!

This creativity is partially the result of traveling and partially the result of traveling alone. You can read more about the benefits of traveling alone here.

I do not promote the notion that traveling alone is better than traveling with a great partner. On the contrary!. However, traveling solo has definite advantages as well!

I still haven't figured everything out. It's a journey, not a destination, even though I keep talking about destinations in my blog!

If you're interested, you can keep up with my adventures and findings on social media and in my posts.

Please subscribe to my blog if you'd like to follow along. The form is in the footer.

I also give practical advice on travel itineraries, as I'm very experienced in that area, especially in the best way to get around Portugal, and know I know to find great bargains without sacrificing the quality of your trip!

Check out my travel tips on Alonga Travel, and reviews of the best European destinations and city breaks.

I also review online flight booking companies where you can buy the cheapest air tickets.

But enough about me! :)

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Let’s connect on social media as well! (the links are below in the footer). I can’t wait to share with you what I know so that you will start enjoying traveling more! 

Becoming a digital nomad